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Anthony Powers Anthony Powers

Helping Gen Xers Weather a Perfect Storm

Those born between 1965 and 1980 — better known as Generation X — face unique financial and social pressures leaving almost half of them with no retirement savings. Gen X considers themselves the “sandwich generation,” attempting to balance financial responsibilities for both aging parents and dependent children. Plan sponsors should work towards building resources and providing tools to these individuals to help them make meaningful steps towards retirement readiness. 

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Anthony Powers Anthony Powers

The Part-time Participant

The SECURE Act and SECURE 2.0 have increased many part-time employees’ access to employer-sponsored retirement plans. As such, sponsors must understand the unique challenges of improving part-time participants’ retirement readiness and how their needs may differ from those of full-time employees. Part-time employees work fewer hours for a number of reasons -- learn what those are in our latest blog. 

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Anthony Powers Anthony Powers

Amazon Faces Allegations of Mismanaged Funds Inc. and the administrative committee overseeing its 401(k) savings plan have been hit with a class-action lawsuit alleging improper management of employee forfeiture funds. The lawsuit, Curtis v., was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington and claims Amazon’s fiduciaries engaged in self-dealing by using forfeited plan assets to reduce the company’s own contributions rather than lowering administrative fees for participants. As the legal battle unfolds, the case against Amazon could set a precedent for how courts interpret the use of forfeited funds in large retirement plans.

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Anthony Powers Anthony Powers

Plan Sponsors Win Two More Forfeiture Decisions

Plaintiffs have recently filed several cases claiming the use of 401(k) plan forfeitures to reduce employer contributions, rather than to reduce participant-paid plan expenses, violates the ERISA fiduciary duty to act solely in the best interests of the plan participants. These cases highlight an ongoing legal debate about the proper use of forfeitures in 401(k) plans under ERISA, with varying outcomes depending on specific circumstances and plan terms.

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