The Latest News and Updates from KerberRose
Have you ever considered offering a Phased Retirement Program?
Phased retirement includes a range of flexible retirement approaches that would allow employees approaching normal retirement age the option to reduce the hours worked while phasing into complete retirement.
Good News 401(k)... and More Good News
Its “Reference Point Report is an annual client data benchmarking report so plan sponsors can review trends and benchmark their progress and participant behavior across the firm’s client base…
Partial Plan Terminations, 2020, and COVID-19
COVID-19’s impact on employers has caused a massive amount of reductions in force and layoffs nationwide. A consequence of these reductions is the potential for an employer’s qualified plan to experience a partial plan termination. If a partial plan termination requires the full vesting of affected participants.
Safe Harbor Deadlines
Safe harbor 401(k) plans are the most popular type of 401(k) used by small businesses today. Safe harbor 401(k) plans are a great benefit for all employees: by providing a certain contribution to all eligible staff, business owners, and other highly-paid employees, safe harbor 401k plans allow employees to fully save up to IRS limits ($57,000 for 2020, or $63,500 if over age 50).
Retirement Plan Check-Up
It is important to conduct regular check-ups on your retirement plan to make sure you are on track to reach your retirement goals. Below are a few questions to ask yourself, at least annually, to see if (and how) they affect your retirement planning.
Webinar Replay - Financial Wellness
Replay our FInancial Wellness webinar lead by Kameron Jones.
Allowable Plan Expenses: Can the Plan Pay?
The payment of expenses by an ERISA plan (401(k), defined benefit plan, money purchase plan, etc.) out of plan assets is subject to ERISA’s fiduciary rules. The “exclusive benefit rule” requires a plan’s assets be used exclusively for providing benefits.
Collective Investment Trusts — The Fastest Growing Investment Vehicle Within 401(k) Plans
From 2011 to 2018, total assets in CITs grew by approximately 64 percent. During which their share of 401(k) assets reached nearly 28 percent, or approximately $1.5 trillion.2
It’s That Time Again! Back-to-School for Fiduciaries
Can you hear the bells ringing? It’s that time of year to review your to-do list of fiduciary responsibilities. Ask yourself the following questions to make sure you are on top of your responsibilities and liabilities.
Participant Corner: Good Health is the Best Wealth
Believe it or not, staying healthy just might make you wealthy. With small lifestyle changes and healthy choices, you may reduce your annual healthcare costs and increase your income. These lifestyle changes can be as simple as limiting your salt intake or taking your prescribed medication regularly.
What Constitutes Proper Documentation of Retirement Plan Committee Meetings?
With most retirement plans, the fiduciary responsibility of selecting and monitoring the plan’s menu of investments is designated to a retirement plan investment committee. This committee usually includes financial officers and human resources officers of the employer. The committee meets periodically (anywhere from annually to quarterly) to consider agenda items including investment due diligence, fees and services of plan providers, status of plan goals, etc.
Why You Need to Communicate with Employees
Businesses understand how vital it is for employees to understand retirement options and are increasingly including employee education in fiduciary risk management, whether it’s in the form of one-on-one counseling or educational seminars. Take a look at these reasons why you should communicate with and educate your employees.