The Latest News and Updates from KerberRose
Complying with ERISA 404(c)
Compliance with section 404(c) of ERISA protects plan fiduciaries from liability for losses that result from the investment decisions made by participants. Conversely, failure to comply with 404(c) could result in liability for losses due to poor investment decisions made by plan participants.
Should your Company Implement a Student Loan Assistance Program?
The simple answer is yes! By doing so, you’ll attract, retain and engage top college-educated talent at your company.
A Comparison of Mutual Funds and Collective Investment Trusts
More than ever, plan sponsors have an increased awareness of their fiduciary responsibilities around “fee reasonableness”. Consider some of the features of a Collective Investment Trust.
Five Key Decisions for a Successful Retirement
Life is a series of decisions, and everyone has to live with the results of the decisions they make. One of the most serious decisions that we all face is how to prepare for retirement, but frequently we don’t make the best choices to protect our futures. What are some of the most critical decisions you should make about retirement?
Opening Up Multiple Employer Plans to Small Employers
Under existing law multiple employer plans must be limited to employers that are in some way related, for example employers in the same industry.
Addressing Employee Education Strategically
An educated employee is an empowered employee, especially when it comes to retirement savings and financial wellness.
Opening the Gate for Annuities in 401(k) Plans
One of the most important changes in the SECURE Act is removing a major stumbling block to offering annuities in 401(k) plans.
Another Way to Save: Tax Credit for Plan Participants
According to a Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies (TCRS) report fewer than four in ten U.S. workers know about a tax credit that may help them save for retirement, per the IRS. The Saver's Credit is available to eligible taxpayers who are saving for retirement.
Simple Secrets for Retirement Success
Retirement planning can often seem complicated and daunting. Really, though, most of the actions a person needs to take to work toward a confident retirement are very simple.
Safe Harbor Amendments
Employers have seen and continue to see changes in their current business environment. As they explore options to reduce costs, some may find themselves needing to reduce the employer contributions into their retirement plans. A popular 401(k) design option is the safe harbor 401(k) which requires either a non-elective employer contribution or an employer match.
Closing the Retirement Gender Gap
Despite the fact that women tend to live longer, female workers typically have lower retirement account balances than their male counterparts. Many factors may contribute to this disparity, including lower earnings, greater part-time work and time off for child and eldercare, lower levels of financial literacy and lower risk/lower return investment choices.
Tips for Working at Home
Working remotely is not a new concept, but it may be new for some. As companies respond to COVID-19 with alternative work arrangements, many employees are having to work from home on short notice and with little preparation.