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What is a FICA Alternative Retirement Plan?
A FICA Alternative Plan allows qualifying governmental employers the ability to set-up a Social Security Alternative plan for their part-time, seasonal or temporary employees (PST).
Retirement Income Survey
Attaining a satisfactory retirement experience is dependent on sufficiency of post retirement income.
Budgeting for Retirement
There are all kinds of “rule of thumb” numbers floating around for how much income you’ll need in retirement, but they are just that — guidelines, not hard and fast rules that will necessarily apply to your particular situation. Budgeting for your retirement is a bit of a guessing game however clarifying your goals and expectations will make it easier.
Four Tips for Increasing Your Retirement Dollars
Four Tips for Increasing your Retirement Dollars.
Have you ever considered offering a Phased Retirement Program?
Phased retirement includes a range of flexible retirement approaches that would allow employees approaching normal retirement age the option to reduce the hours worked while phasing into complete retirement.
Five Key Decisions for a Successful Retirement
Life is a series of decisions, and everyone has to live with the results of the decisions they make. One of the most serious decisions that we all face is how to prepare for retirement, but frequently we don’t make the best choices to protect our futures. What are some of the most critical decisions you should make about retirement?
Three Tax Tips that Can Help as You Approach or Begin Retirement
Retirement is a whole new phase of life. You’ll experience many new things, and you’ll leave others behind – but what you won’t avoid is taxes. If you’ve followed the advice of retirement plan consultants, you’re probably saving in tax-advantaged retirement accounts.
Hey Joel - One of my current employees recently received a notice from Social Security saying that they might be entitled to a retirement benefit. Is it my responsibility to track this money down?
Welcome to Hey Joel! This forum answers plan sponsor questions from all over the country by our in-house former practicing ERISA attorney.
Hey Joel - One of my current employees recently received a notice from Social Security saying that they might be entitled to a retirement benefit. Is it my responsibility to track this money down?
Basics of a FICA Alternative Plan
A FICA Alternative Plan allows qualifying governmental employers the ability to set-up a Social Security Alternative plan for their part-time, seasonal or temporary employees (PST).