The Latest News and Updates from KerberRose
Looking to Reduce Your Fiduciary Liability? Benchmark Your Retirement Plan.
As a Plan Sponsor, you have a duty to perform ongoing monitoring of your company’s retirement plan. Since ERISA is complicated, navigating this landscape is oftentimes confusing and challenging. You might be wondering, “What do I need to do to avoid fiduciary liability for my 401(k) plan?”
Complying with ERISA 404(c)
Compliance with section 404(c) of ERISA protects plan fiduciaries from liability for losses that result from the investment decisions made by participants. Conversely, failure to comply with 404(c) could result in liability for losses due to poor investment decisions made by plan participants.
Exchange Your Old Retirement Solutions for New Ones
An exchange is a turnkey solution for businesses that allows you to provide the benefit of a retirement plan while offloading some of the administrative and fiduciary responsibilities at a potential cost reduction. A team of professionals work together on your behalf so you can focus on running your business, not your retirement plan.
Have You Conducted a Fee Equalization/Levelization?
Fees in defined contribution (DC) plans can be complicated. Historically, fees have not been fully and simply disclosed, but the industry is changing towards greater and more understandable disclosure.
Evaluating Your Plan Fees? Think More, Not Less.
Should you reduce your plan’s fees to better serve participants? Many vocal experts speaking on behalf of investors and participants say “yes” – unequivocally. But what about the investors and participants themselves? What do they say?