The Latest News and Updates from KerberRose
Partial Plan Terminations, 2020, and COVID-19
COVID-19’s impact on employers has caused a massive amount of reductions in force and layoffs nationwide. A consequence of these reductions is the potential for an employer’s qualified plan to experience a partial plan termination. If a partial plan termination requires the full vesting of affected participants.
Safe Harbor Deadlines
Safe harbor 401(k) plans are the most popular type of 401(k) used by small businesses today. Safe harbor 401(k) plans are a great benefit for all employees: by providing a certain contribution to all eligible staff, business owners, and other highly-paid employees, safe harbor 401k plans allow employees to fully save up to IRS limits ($57,000 for 2020, or $63,500 if over age 50).
Should your Company Implement a Student Loan Assistance Program?
The simple answer is yes! By doing so, you’ll attract, retain and engage top college-educated talent at your company.
Basics of a FICA Alternative Plan
A FICA Alternative Plan allows qualifying governmental employers the ability to set-up a Social Security Alternative plan for their part-time, seasonal or temporary employees (PST).
Repay Student Loans or Save in a Retirement Plan? Why Not Both?
Many employees feel squeezed to both pay off their debt and save for their future. A recent Private Letter Ruling (PLR) opens the door for employers to help them.
Effective Employee Education
Fiduciary duty requires you to provide your employees and participants with educational opportunities so they can make informed investment decisions. It’s not always easy to know what your participants need, want or will take advantage of. Using a simple framework for your educational program may increase the effectiveness of your program.
Don’t Let Student Loan Debt Get In Your Way of Financial Success
Don’t Let Student Loan Debt Get In Your Way of Financial Success . Here are some steps you can take to help eliminate your student loan debt:
Time To Include Health Care in Holistic Retirement Strategy
Health care expenses are one of the most critical issues that workers and employers face today. Historically, both health care and retirement savings have largely been kept separate, but that conversation is changing. As health care is increasingly considered through the lens of financial wellness, employers need to understand the savings options. Pretax and Roth retirement account contributions, along with HSAs, are three common ways that many employees can save for health care expenses in retirement. It’s important to consider the advantages of each.