The Latest News and Updates from KerberRose
A Window on Wellness
According to a recent survey, Americans currently define financial wellness as simply feeling comfortable with their financial situation. Over 50% believe wellness is defined as having the means to take care of family, not worrying about money or debt, and feeling protected financially from life’s unexpected events.
Planning Financial Futures
Do you spend more time planning your annual vacation than you do thinking about your personal finances? If so, you’re not alone. A lot of people put off financial planning or avoid it altogether.
What is a FICA Alternative Retirement Plan?
A FICA Alternative Plan allows qualifying governmental employers the ability to set-up a Social Security Alternative plan for their part-time, seasonal or temporary employees (PST).
Budgeting for Retirement
There are all kinds of “rule of thumb” numbers floating around for how much income you’ll need in retirement, but they are just that — guidelines, not hard and fast rules that will necessarily apply to your particular situation. Budgeting for your retirement is a bit of a guessing game however clarifying your goals and expectations will make it easier.